<i>Brought to you by the PKer team @ www.viki.com. Episode 14 What are you doing here? I...am going to move out. I'm going to get in your way. It's a relief that Joon Gu...
<i>Brought to you by the PKer team @ www.viki.com Episode 13. You arrived, Seung Jo-goon. Hi, Baek Seung Jo. Sit down. You don't have to be that surprised. I was surprised too...
<i>Brought to you by the PKer team @ www.viki.com Episode 10 I will call you, Mother . Seung Jo, take care of yourself. Eat your meals, and eat lots of vegetables and fruits. And...
<i>Brought to you by the PKer team @ www.viki.com Episode 11 She talks in her sleep now . I'm never going to get sleep. What the heck am I going to do ? That's right I...
<i>Brought to you by the PKer team @ www.viki.com Episode 16 - Final How come you're riding a bike? Oh, you came. Yeah. Oh, hi. Hi. Is it a couple bike? You're making it...
<i>Brought to you by the PKer team @ www.viki.com Episode 9 . Stop right there! Hey! Hey stop right there you punk! Hey! <i>Baek Seung Jo is running with me Oh! it...