Planet of the Apes

Hi everybody! It's me Nikki, with a brand-new Nikki's Wiki! This is my Cool School report on the Year of the Monkey. Sounds awesome, right? I love monkeys! They're so cute, and...
"Way down in the jungle deep, the lion step on the signified monkey's feet" (Dolemite quote). Despite what Disney movies may have you believe, the jungle is far more...
We're at Malibu Creek....STOP!! We're at Malibu....STOP!!!!!! This is our Auto Club Southern California Day Trip to Calabasas. We're at Malibu Creek State Park. There are 15...
I can't imagine childhood without 'Planet of the Apes.' I was nine or ten when the first one came out.



If I had unlimited funds, wall space and storage, I would collect a lot more things, like 'Planet of the Apes,' 'Star Wars,' science fiction stuff, autographs, and prop guns and weapons. I have to...
I'm a big, big movie fan. I watch 'The Ten Commandments' and the original 'Planet of the Apes' every night.



I was a 'Planet of the Apes'-obsessed kid.



[Wigs] Yeah, son, it's the Einstein Theodore theory, street philosphy Step foot on our block, there's no way possibly Guns too big for you, to ever try stoppin' me Talk out your mouth, you better...
Now that the virgin bitch breastfeads death and the winds smell strong of the dragons breath And all the stars fall down like fuckin' rain of fire there will be souls for sale but only one damned...

