Pippi Longstocking

One of the things that helps me tell a story through music is to create a character. I have to have a muse, whether it's Frida Kahlo, Martha Graham, Marlene Dietrich, or Pippi Longstocking.
Pippi Longstocking is a Redheaded Bitch I love Lucy and Annie's Great But there's one redhead that I fucking hate It's the Wendy's girl that she's fucking The bitch I'm talking about is Pippi...
Sporty Hairstyles Part 3 - The fanned out braid The last sporty hairstyle I want to show you is called a fanned out french braid. It always looks feminine and stays perfectly in place. What you need...



Hey, do guys mind if i sit here? No, sure, go ahead. So what are you guys talking about? We're just talking about how how the semester is almost over, time for summer. I like your dreadlocks....



And more Speedos than we care to mention. by TravelPod member larzstarz Mom appreciating the sol by TravelPod member larzstarz A kids water - haven! by TravelPod member larzstarz Back to Sommerland...



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Kreyòl ayisyen



Well my favorite memories of the library are in incredibly hot summer afternoons in Ann Arbor where I was a little kid lying on the library floor and reading book after book after after book with my...
>>Good evening, I'm Kimberly Voigt. I'm a visiting Professor in Art and Design working with 3 digital design fabrication, interdisciplinary object design, and...
Welcome to Xio's channel, how are ya? Guess not...Okay.... Um, I went to the health center It's for school, because I moved to a new state, new school (new people to live with. I went...
THE CITY OF OPPORTUNITIES ECOC PROGRAM 2012 VELENJE In the ECOC year everything will be marked by Pippi Longstocking. Barbara Pokorny, Director the Velenje Festival She will visit Velenje every month...

