hi guys I just wanted to quickly go over this champion lights background and make a couple a changs and show you how it works, out a photo just give you a quick overview so first of all when you open...
مرحبا بكم في درس جديد اخوتي اولا نقوم بالضغط على تانيا اعزائي نختار اللون الدي تريده للخلفية ونضيف تاتير الضوئي وبعد دالك نقوم بالضغط على اضافة خط جديد الان لاحضوا الخطوات جيداا للتاتير على النص كما...
Hey guys, welcome to Photoshop Pro Help, today I'm going to be teaching you this stunning 3D flag effect in Photoshop now this is really easy and simple to create and only takes a few steps...
Hi there, today I'm going to be showing you how to edit a photo in Photoshop in the style of Alberto Seveso. I'm using CS6, so all of these instructions I'll be giving will be...
How to cartoonize yourself in Adobe Photoshop tutorial: First, open up Photoshop Now, select and import the picture / image you want to cartoonize Double click on the layer to unlock it. Change the...
Portrait retouching really is an art and a craft. It's something incredibly special. Now why is that? Well stop to think about this for a moment. Some of the most impactful photographs of all...
AMIR SHEVAT: The vision is to take two people, two types of people who like to create things, developers and artists, and create amazing projects over Google technologies. YIFAT GURION: Where...