..e cazzeggiamo.. aspetta ad eccitarti, adesso arriva il miglior cibo spazzatura di sempre! Oh, questo è amore! Pizza con aragosta e la specialità della casa: guarda questi granchi! Patatine fritte...
In the morning, I can come in and I can preview some of my work orders. work orders but then after you get your work orders, you definitely get out on the road. You don't really get an...
I advocate for cycling for a whole number of reasons. It helps us deal with the constraints of a very small, dense city. It helps us deal with the constraints of a very small, dense city. It helps us...
I do have more peace of mind with the Health Care Reform. I’m gonna get some good numbers right? Perfrect. Hopefully, yes. The Act is helping me as a Senior because I know that I can get certain...
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Well, I heard about Dr. Goodman’s reputation. Read about it in Philadelphia magazine. Heard about her from friends and we live very nearby. And it was just sort of a natural thing with her reputation...
Are you experiencing water damage in Philadelphia? Whether it is a leaky pipe, fire, or storm damage, Philadelphia Water Damage Pros can help. Delaying or selecting the wrong remediation company Can...
My experience in Main Line Audiology has been really one of a, not a pleasant surprise but a very unique and positive experience. Since arriving here with Dr. Goodman, I feel very comfortable here....
I have been a patient of Dr. Goodman’s for over 20 years. I was diagnosed with a hearing loss as a teenager - a genetic hearing loss. Very devastating as a young girl to be diagnosed with a hearing...