This is a dotarific, it's archival. Remember this, this is a pentel color brush. Now this is what I call napkin art and the game is ok that you know if you are like me you wind up eating,...
My parents called me Hugh after after a friend of theirs who was my brother's Godfather. This always confused me. I thought he was my Godfather and as he was not it might be one of the reasons...
Draw a curve with a vertical leading edge and slanting at the back and cut the space in half vertically and then again into quarters. Draw three lines horizontally so the boxes you end up with are...
I had an email this week. The sender says: I really love to draw, but lately, I've been super self-critical of myself, and when I look at my work, I think it looks awful. Because of this,...
Hi! I'm Jessica Cain with Expert Village, and I'm going to be telling you how to write your thank yous for Christmas gifts. When you're writing your thank yous, you want to...

