Hello, my name is Angela Faiola and today on behalf of Expert Village, we are going to learn how to make gnocchi. We call this sofrito; this gives all the flavor. Now we are going to get our beef...
Venison Medallions with Fresh Blackcurrant Sauce I go hunting a lot. There's something nice about the ritual of seeing an animal grow, of hunting it and cooking it oneself. You know exactly...
まず最初にジャガイモを中まで柔らかくなるまで茹でるかオーブンでベイクして下さい。 茹でてもオーブンで焼いても時間は同じ位かかります。中くらいサイズ2個で大体45分から1時間位と思います。 茹であがったら,冷まして,皮を剥いて下さい。それからポテトを潰します。 お塩,ナツメグ,リコッタチーズを加えて適当に混ぜます。後で小麦粉と一緒に混ぜるのでここでは大体のかんじでOkayです。...
I have $100,000 of cold hard cash in this case. 4 chefs get $25,000 each. If they want to leave this kitchen with any of the cash, they have to survive three culinary challenges and each other. See...
The garden minestrone I'm making today calls for tomatoes, actually these mini mix tomatoes. They're small different varieties, they have thin skins and they're very, very...
Ok, so this is, again, one of the basic techniques that I like to talk about... and we call it big pot blanching. And even though we have a small pot here it still falls in with the category of big...
Hi guys, just having a little test cook today. We're doing a lovely dish from Bali, Indonesia. Nasi Goreng. Classic dish from around the world in the sense that you're using up...
The Best New Chef's party for this year 2012 took place in New York and I had an opportunity to be there rub elbows with all of these best new chefs. Food and Wine Magazine travels the country...