DR. STANLEY MURASHIGE: First I want to talk about the Chinese writing system. A writing system is not exactly the same as calligraphy. When we talk about calligraphy, we are talking about the art of...
Student services is a team of people and set of resources here at South Birmingham College that is designed to support and help students from the moment they get here to when they finish their course...
(jazzy music) Male: We're in the Musee du Louvre, and we're looking at Gros' massive canvas of Napoleon at the Pest House in Jaffa. Female: We're clearly not in Paris....
My name is Fred Dallmayr. I am a Professor at the University of Notre Dame in the United States, but I am also the Co-chair of the World Public Forum "Dialogue of Civilizations." It...
You know Madison, I have to say -- I was joking with some old friends of mine and I said my favorite years in journalism happened at the Daily Cardinal when I was a student here at the University of...
[Andrea Weinstein] Good evening. I'm Andrea Weinstein, Senior Director of Academic Development and I, in part, I oversee the libraries. Thank you very, very much for coming this evening, and...
Right from enrolment student services staff are available to make sure that new students know about the kind of help and support they can get. The first thing students tend to need to know about is...
Le tomó más de 1000 años al budismo extenderse desde la llanura de India a los picos nevados del Himalaya y luego a las tierras del Tibet. Pero una vez que llegó los valores budistas de no violencia,...
< curious, subtle acoustic music > < upbeat theme music > Hey you. Good morning. Ugh...what's so good about it? Yeah, I guess they do get kind of repetitive, huh?...
When future scholars take a look back at intellectual history of the last quarter of the 20th century the work of professor Edward Said of Columbia University will be indentified as very important and...