AS MAES DE CHICO XAVIER Por que voce inventou essa pescaria, hein? Voce sabe que eu nao curto este troco. A gente precisa estar mais junto. Mais perto um do outro. Ser uma famiIia de verdade. Conta...
Eu te vi e já te quis Me vi tão feliz Um amor que pra mim era sonho Surpreendente provar Do que eu só ouvi falar Que você resolveu me mostrar Logo eu que nem pensava Eu não imaginava te merecer E...
Eu não te conheço Nem quero Mas tenho uma coisa que gostaria de dizer Espero que tenhas feito um intervalo de 5minutos do call of duty só para lhe dizer o quanto a amas Espero que tenhas escolhido as...
Hi everybody! How's everyone doing? Good? So-so? Bad? Uhh... Mas o menos? Good? Alright!! Uh... Well folks, if you're already subscribed to our channel welcome once more! If...
Hi, how are you doing?! My name is Sucker (Otário) Let's make a loan on the BB? After all, the BB was the first bank to cut interest rates significantly... And the loans are facilitated ......
The worst barrier is self esteem, you know Because man, when you are born in a place like here people put you down The society puts you down to make you not believe You have to go out and show your...
Fernanda, listen. We need to have a serious talk. Can’t we wait until the soap opera is over? No, cause it’s became unbearable. I need to look at you and say that I wanna break up. What? I wanna...
Oie, okay? Guys I'm not crazy ... I'm back from the dentist now I made a lot anesthesia over, look what happened .... (hahahahahahahaha) (hahaahhahahahah) I can not laugh Only one side...
All the images in this video were fimed in Angola When the days ends, with sunset the Kotas, the elders, from the Village talk under a tree So did their parents and their parents of their parents...