Hi Kids, Welcome to our Haiku page. I wanted to give you a bit of an overview so that you would know what the assignment is and how to find everything you need. If you follow the page all the way...



I'm Liliana Mina and I'm a professor in the higher education program here at UWM. Okay, we're going to have an overview of the e-portfolio that will take place on April 18 of...



Hi, my name is Susan Eldridge and I'm an Instructional Technology Trainer at California State University Long Beach. I have been at CSULB since August 2011 when I was brought in to help the...



::Music:: ::Music:: Welcome to the research minute where sixty seconds have information gets you where you need to go. In this minute we look at how the students use the NYU libraries research guides...
[Best Price] Vornado ATH1 Whole Room Tower Heater https://tinyurl.com/kaa94s3 - [Best Price] Vornado ATH1 Whole Room Tower Heater, Automatic Climate Control Click here for special offer:...
{\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\cocoartf1038\cocoasubrtf360 {\fonttbl\f0\fswiss\fcharset0 Helvetica;} {\colortbl;\red255\green255\blue255;} \margl1440\margr1440\vieww9000\viewh8400\viewkind0...



To add resources to your course, click on the Resources button, and you can either start adding resources directly, or first add your categories. I’m going to add my category first. I want to have a...



To insert a file, directly into the body of your post, click on the little tool that looks like a piece of paper. From here you can decide whether you want to ‘Upload a new file,’ or if you want to...



To add forum topics to your course, first click on ‘Forums.’ Before you can add topics, you need to ‘Add a New Discussion.’ I find if you don’t have too many forum topics, it’s easier just to have...



To record lectures with Collaborate, you must have a microphone headset. You can buy a microphone headset at any office supply store, or borrow one from the LSSC libraries and learning centers. Make...

