Sentado sobre una piedra de la calle Soledad, sentado como si fuera el "Pensador de Rodin" Esta es la historia de un niño que se detuvo a soñar que sueña con ver un día que no acaba de...
Si algún día te has confundido Te has preguntado porque ha sido Todo tan rápido si es que apenas eras otro, otro Y no has querido entender que eras joven que como un Niño andabas corriendo detrás de...



[Music] >>> Teacher: Alright this is Something From Nothing by Phoebe Gilman. Who do you think this is on the front? >>> Child: Grandpa!...



[Music] >>> Teacher: Ready? Ok. Here’s our story. This is called Carrot Soup. Carrot Soup and the author and the illustrator is John Segal. >>> Child: I know...



Paulo, Renata... I have your test results, shall we open it? -- I'm so nervous! -- Let's do it. Doctor, is it a boy or a girl? Tell us. It's a cat. A cat? A cat! A cute little...
a ten-year-old child by the name outside joseph hall who is being tried for murdering his father now his father is uh... neo nazi and two years ago jeffhall was laying on his couch when his...
Hello, Jorge, take a seat. How are you? What's up, boss? We need to talk. Oopsie daisy... this cannot be good. That's exactly what I wanted to talk about. About it not being good? The...
i don't know if everyone knows about soulja boy do soulja boy is so the more you right %uh perfect cell icd assisted you doesn't like soulja boy this walkout white pronounce it...
already twenty five-pound gang member but in the victor joseph espinoza allegedly attempted to kidnap a ten-year-old boy uh... we also attempted to kidnap at a young girl however involved instances...