Queria poder Expressar mais que com palavras Queria poder dar-Lhe Muito mais que uma canção Obrigado meu Deus Por ter sido fiél comigo até aqui Em todos os momentos Até os que passaram despercebidos...
0&≤uéfœ ¶Ÿ ™ bŒlÜ[ °‹´åG©œ é‰ ¿ Seh BØ; ª%Ë@ÄY√©j?„ } P≥»P]zÕ 4k ¿a¿Ã †&∫… à @ @ RéW µ ø_.©œ é„ ¿ SeÊ “”´∫©œ éÊ ¿ Se ∏ ©FC|‡Ô¸K≤)9>fiA\Ö. p t e n - u s ]ãÒ&ÑEÏGü_ e R…...
[indistinct chatter] Man on PA: We're at 130 feet, 10 degrees down. You got target zig. Man on PA: Contact bearing... Ahh! Whew! [inhales sharply] So-- So, Doc, you, uh, think you can make it...
Hey everybody today I have a DIY video for you in which I´m showing you how to make Carrie Bradshaws purse from the new series the Carrie Diaries For this you need a black bag this one I got from a...
Hi, my name is Lourenço Seruya and take part in 7 Bullets film cast with Elias character. My character is the group, the organization leader and one of the reasons I accepted to participate on this...



Looking to save on your next do-it-yourself purchase from Home Depot? You've come to the right place. On the Offers.com Home Depot coupon codes and sales page, you can find great deals on...



We were presenting the songs for the film to Scorsese and to Liza. And when we went down to wherever the place was that we were playing these, De Niro was there too, but he stayed out of it. And we...



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Hello... Welcome to the ‘Australian Steak’. My name’s Diego, and I’ll be serving you today, okay? Shall we take the menus and decide what to order? All right. – Would you bring us some bread, please?...