It's the FSA and its plethora of EU bodies that's failed.
This Constitution does not reflect the thoughts, hopes and aspirations of ordinary people. It does nothing for jobs or economic growth and widens further still the democratic deficit.
It's hardly a radical idea to suggest that regulators and legislators understand the law now, is it?
When an Occupy demo in the centre of Frankfurt makes world news, I shall hurry to join in.
The great and the good will decide what is good for us and make sure that we get what is good for us, good and hard.
Having established that good ideas do indeed come in from the cold, start on the fringes and become mainstream, can we make any predictions about what the next move will be?
It's about businesses nervous about taking on school leavers because of a mass of red tape. It's about health and safety regulations and green fines.
When people stand up and talk about the great success that the EU has been, I'm not sure anybody saying it really believes it themselves anymore.
I have become increasingly used to the Tory party mimicking our policies and phrases in a desperate effort to pretend to their members they are still Eurosceptic.
British chancellor is telling the rest of Europe it must abandon democracy. It's appalling.