Nicole Richie

Clothing was something I always wanted to do. I've been pulling tear sheets from magazines since I was a little girl.
I feel great, very healthy and alive and really happy that I can remember yesterday and I can remember the day before.
As for style, there is something about the way musicians dress-they seem to be able to create their own world within their fashion alone.
Music is a huge part of my life, I enjoy every genre of music from jazz to country, and I even get down with a bit of hip hop.
I never want to disappoint my parents, ever. They are people that I always look up to.
It's been a pattern in my life - when I get in trouble, I try to get out of it, since I was little.
I live my life and I do what I do, and sometimes you forget that people are watching you.
I was 21 and I got to film with my best friend.
I believe that fashion is the ultimate form if self expression therefore it really depends on my mood.
When we were in the design studio I always was pretending like I was in a closet asking my friend before I step out into the world what do I look like? And everybody wants that honest friend before...