EPOPEEA lui GHILGAMES, REGELE din URUK Legenda omului care nu voia sa moara A trecut mult de atunci cam 5000 de ani... In cetatea Uruk a Mesopotamiei traia un rege uimitor: Ghilgames Ca sa scape de...



In the early '30s, Adolf Hitler and his inner circle became obsessed with the occult, believing that the black arts were key to their plan for world domination. Nazi agents travelled the globe in...
Doamne mai vreau Rusalii , Cu limbi de foc sa le imprastii Pe fiecare sa le atingi , Cu Duhul Tau Doamne vreau o trezire , Si intr-un gand si o simtire Sa fim cu totii si sa cantam , In limbi de-o mie...
Romanian subtitle by Geea2012 © ™ (subtitrarea în româneşte: Geea2012 © ™) "Dacia," "ţara celor mai viteji şi mai drepţi dintre traci," "locul unde a...



Romanian subtitle by Geea2012 © ™ (subtitrarea în româneşte: Geea2012 © ™) "Dacia," "ţara celor mai viteji şi mai drepţi dintre traci," "locul unde a...



Clash of the Titans Subtitle by T.A.S The oldest sories ever told are written in the stars. Stories of time before man and Gods When Titans ruled the earth. The titans were powerful but their regine...
There's simply no way to shield against every weaponized agent. Instead, I can make super-immune systems... by strengthening the human cellular response. Banner, I know where you're going. But...
Good afternoon. Today, I will talk to you about the ultimate taboo: our death. When are we going to die? This is the evolution of our life expectancy in the past 250 years. It has already tripled....
silence shared in words presents I Respect Money ...because it can make you multidimensionally rich From Death to Deathlessness #22 "My talking to you has not the ordinary purpose that...
Romanian subtitle by Geea2012 © ™ (subtitrarea în româneşte: Geea2012 © ™) "Dacia," "ţara celor mai viteji şi mai drepţi dintre traci," "locul unde a...

