Modern Family

The “Father of the Turks”. That’s what Ataturk means, and it was the title and surname given to Mustafa Kemal to honor him as the leader and driving force behind the creation of modern Turkey. His...
crowdfunding by definition is interchangeably known as micro patronage Seriously, you're not even British I'm just gonna let these people explain Crowdfunding...hmm to be put on the...
One of the most important concepts in modern economics is the idea of demand. A functioning economy has to have a healthy level of demand in it for lack of demand invariably leads to the most awful...
hey what is going on guys Jason here and this is the New Fitbit Alta. The new Alta joins the Fitbit family as an unofficial successor to the older Fitbit Charge and Fitbit Flex. The basic model...
Complicated, modern but not self-conscious about it Montevideo has many aspects that reveal it's true nature. Sidewalk cafes here, as in other capitals of the continent, are centers of social,...
This is Buckingham Palace, which is the official residence of HerMajesty The Queen. You're going to come with me for a tour, so please, come on in. You are now standing inside the Grand...
That leaves me with wondering, of all The Doctors who is the manliest man? I think it's an interesting thing to ponder. We're critically thinking about our media and what messages is...
(Upbeat music) My celebrity crush, eerr... Hmmm, ha ha I hate this question soo much because the list goes on forever. I don't have one! Nobody, hgh I'm too young to have a celerity...
- Ed O'Neill was on this show and talking about it. It was all shot-- the entire episode was on iPhones and iPads and computers. - Yes, yes. - Which is so creative. - Yes, it was. It was also...
- You and Ed O'Neill as a couple on that show, it's so perfect, and the relationship now, 'cause it's season seven. - Yeah, season seven, we're almost done, and...