Hello, okay? We're back with another episode of the series Meme Star, and our honored today portrays the discovery or rediscovery of life's simple pleasures. Who among us has never had...
So, I dared to do something I never thought I would be able to. I confessed to my straight friend I have a crush on him. We talked about a lot of things and some of them still keep me thinking. So,...
I like the form in which you look at me I like the form in which you try to be unfaithful Though your girlfriend does not know us we kissed In case of her I sit down well We are amusing without...
Hi, I'm Erekíbeon Barbagrís, from the blog Father, Husband and Geek and well, I'm gonna try to explain why I've had, for four years, almost, this game installed in my hard...
Kiti,Paty, can you see something, ¿véis algo?. Hellow Kiti, no veo nada, no veo nothing. Yo voy a mirar por mi derecha, I'm going to look to my right. Chicos, ¿Donde está Pitxón?, Por la...
Side to side That's right! Open Right left Those hips! Once more And mark four to the right And two Four to the left And mark two more Again Arms Mark one, open, open Four to the right Change...
Hola, Espana! by TravelPod member lesleymartinson Seville by TravelPod member lesleymartinson Cathedral at Night by TravelPod member lesleymartinson View from our Hostel by TravelPod member...
Yes? All right, I'll be there. Hey! Give me your phone to check the time. I don't have one. Yeah right so what's that? Okay man, target found, he's wearing quite an...
Hello again internet, I have a confesion to make. I ahev bought a weird alcohol.... like a pre-mixed magarita, and is really crapy. I have alo bought a six-pack of those cheap ass beers and I have not...