A sponsor is selected . That is, someone who always attends delegations. To accompany them and be the nexus. My job is to cover all needs, any questions you have and help in any way they can advise ....



I got Polio when I was 9 months old. I had two fevers and my mother thought it could be Polio. She took me to the doctor and doctor confirmed that I had Polio in my left arm and right leg. I wanted to...
On the occasion of the 10th anniversary ... INTERPRETING DEATH NOTE - Themes, characters: an alternative guide Why, how to interpret Death Note? Hi everyone from your nerdologist! I've been...



Numerology; the philosophy that, before we start, everything relates to math. Numbers. Right back from Pythagoras. Apparently every script, of all the various scripts, also boiled down or related to...



Dangerous myths (the Big bang) I'll destroy it 'cause are poisonous (yeah, from monkey) I'll bring it down (hahaha) and to the liars (with his brainwashing) I will show that...



Hi, this is nivedita here I am a horistic healer and a reiki master and I practice various healing modality with all my client according to their preventing problems and core issues. My journey in...



Hi. I'm Carmen Lynne, and I'm with Expert Village. And, we're talking today about numerology. So, this is a book that I like to use about numerology. It's called the...



dentist kenosha did you know research suggests that your mouth maybe the gateway to the health of your body that's why it is so vital to maintain the health of your teeth and downs we know...



Hi! On behalf of Expert Village, I'm Gnobo A. Calypso, known as Bryce, and I'm here to tell you about mystical numerology. I would like to warn against going to see people who say that...
Caio Alberto: Theogony, Theodicy and Theology. Theogony is linked to the mythology. Theodicy philosophy. Linked to religion and theology. The Theogony is an epic poem. Therefore a part of Greek...