This blade has a dark past. It has shed much innocent blood. You're a fool for traveling alone, so completely unprepared. You're lucky your blood's still flowing. Thank you....
Nie jestem pewien tego tłumaczenia ale wygląda że jest OK ;-) Gotowi! Do startu! START! HA! HA! HA! eh? O_o Widziałeś to? Ale... Gdzie poszedł Paladyn? GIŃ! GIŃ! GIŃ!... Hej Ty, mógłbyś mi pożyczyć...
At the left we can see... At the right we can see the... ...the head-snarlers Everything is safe.|Perfectly safe. Emo? Watch out! Are you hurt? I don't think so.|You? I'm Ok. Get...