Kultura i społeczeństwo

They're basically saying I looked terrible, but no one told me at the time. It was really taboo. I needed waiters to come over and go, "Fuck off. You've had enough."...
I can talk about Africa like that because I'm from Britain and we used to own it. We did when we had the empire and we ruled the world. Before you took over we used to... We owned Africa. But...
[Crossing Borders] Thank you so much. I love you all. Thank you. (Applause) So, I'm from Sudan. And what you see behind me are typical pictures that you'll find whenever you search...
- Modest preemptive actions can obviate the need of more drastic actions at a later date. - You think that you've been taught things like confidence intervals in an elementary statistical...
Good evening and welcome to Q and A. I'm Tony Jones and answering your questions tonight: world renowned evolutionary biologist and author of The God Delusion - Richard Dawkins and - wait a...