Justice League

Deadpool vs Eisen Spiderman ZZ Kids TV Iron Man Said Darth Vader ist Super Strong Spinnenmann sagte, dass wir unsere Kräfte vereinen müssen Eisen-Spinne zu schaffen Darth Vader schreit Red Storm...
I know you're here! You can come out! How did you find me? You have been following me. I heard that you're forging an alliance with superheroes to fight evil. Superman! You mean the...
Thumbs up for Aquaman! Thumbs up for Superman. Thumbs up for Aquaman! Today we're gonna try Batman vs Superman Cereal!! And Justice League Pop Tarts. Lets open them! Open!! Whoa!! Batman...
ZZ Kids TV Darth Vader ZZ Kinder haben uns besiegt erneut. Ich brauche Sie unsere neueste Kreation zu liefern, die der Riese Hulk Ironman Spiderman zu Gotham City ist. Unser riesiges Monster wird...
♪ (old-school video game music) ♪ - (Finebros) Today you're playing this. - Oh! Injustice? - It looks like Superman pinned against Batman. - It tells the story of how the DC heroes start...
Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice not only brought us the clash of two comic book titans, but also introduced us to a wealth of new characters in DC's Extended Universe. So, I wanted to take...
LOS ANGELES — Darwyn Cooke, the comic book artist best known for his vibrantly imaginative work on DC superheroes and noir crime stories, has died. He was 53. Cooke’s wife, Marsha Cooke, said he died...
FRANCISCO: One of the most beautiful things in the world is seeing how your children pursue their dreams. That is why I couldn’t understand why they wouldn’t let my son pursue his. RADIO AUDIO:...
SCOTT: If there's one thing we can all identify about Lex Luthor, it's that he's bald. But he wasn't always. In fact, he used to have a full head of hair. So, what...
Comic books are often criticized for being overly complicated and convoluted and while I think that might be a bit unfair, it’s examples like this that seem to ruin the medium for everyone. This is...