Estou muito animado Tive sorte de te--lo aqui a pouco tempo atrás. Brilhante performace. Foi ótimo. Está aqui hoje noite sobre ... o cavaleiro solitário, que eu assisti inclusive. você viu o longa...
Hello and welcome! today I show you 3 new Steelbooks they're all Media Markt exclusive from the new Paramount wave and as you can see...Rango in my opinion the best animation movie of 2011 and...
[music playing] "Death lies before us as we sail off to the fountain of youth. You could guide an expedition. You are Jack Sparrow. There should be a Captain in there somewhere."...
when meanwhile mind minor and nine and in line not so well cast have religions requires us to unlock the most fundamental secret to the universe the match machine with more rain human emotions the new...
Great seeing everyone today as you know my name is Johnny. I would love to share a little bit more of what makes Johnny Johnny. First I would like to mention that I have lived in halifax all my life....
♪ ♪ You didn’t notice it at first. But once you do, you can’t take your eyes off of it. You wonder how in the hell you ever overlooked it in the first place. [cheers and applause] [loud explosion] So...
Hello everyone! Don't you want to change the way trailers are made? Trailers more original, innovative and truer to the film. We have noticed how « The Lone Ranger »'s marketing...
[MUSIC] [SOUND] Have ever you seen from across the room and had that feeling of true love? Love at first sight? Yeah. Yeah, we've been together about 11 years and we have two children. And I...