Fashion designer, Kou Ueno He designed a unique stocking which became extremely popular through internet. I put this new stocking up on Twitter and it made a splash. I was a bit surprised and on the...
Oh there she is. Mother, Kaoru is here. Oh, hi! You're going tonight too? Yup. Every night That's what you do, writing songs right? Yeah. There's no meaning in it,...
Tokyo Metropolitan Police arrested six teenagers aged 14 to 16, including a 9th grade girl, this past Wednesday in connection with a September gang fight in Tokyo’s Adachi Ward. The girl is said to...
Lyrics: HIRO ~ Translation: arghninja, SeraphKY, Kkabbekky ~ Romanization: arghninja ~ SOSHIFIED Alone in the room that is more spacious than usual It’s over, guess it’s over The story created by the...
Lyrics: STY, Lindy Robertsz, E.Kidd Bogart, Greg Ogan, Spencer Nezey ~ Translation: arghninja, Kkabbekky, SeraphKY Romanization: arghninja, Kkabbekky ~ SOSHIFIED Yeah, let's go Grab my hands...
Hong Kong. Got it? Listen good. It's 27. If they offer less than $27,000,000. Say "No." These guys are they biggest overnight rich boy mafia in Hong Kong. So stay quiet and...
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Q.The impression that finshed a tour I am very glad to be able to finish it safely Fans who had you arrive Staff who supported it Thank you very much I do my best from now on Fight Q.The impression...