Hi, this is MacGyver. We all know how these things work, so when you hear the beep go for it. MacGyver, pick up if you're there. You ever heard of staying home? Never mind. This is your good buddy,...
Stand by, studio. How's that mic? OK? If you'd just clear the group corner beyond row 3, OK? We are recording. Quiet, studio. And cue her! Good evening. We start with a question for all women in their...
Take that. Take that. Come on. (grunts) (laughter) (squeaking) Will you guys quit fooling around?! Here. You're not getting out. Bombs away! Hey, there's no jumping in this pool! (laughter) (coughing)...
(function() {var opts = {artist: "Jack_Slater",song: "Jack In The Box",adunit_id: 39382076,div_id: "cf_async_" + Math.floor((Math.random() *...
In this video I'm going to show you how to fold a Box and Lid designed by Dave Brill. It's a fantastic design folded from a single sheet of paper. It also has a nice duo effect if you...
Warning for bad launge! Welcome back it is nuijenet here and i will countinue on our mage and he is only on lvl 3. lets countiue okay here we go okay hmmm die! hmmnnnn uh... yes! okay how can i can i...
Hi, this is the Walkin CRM video tutorial for adding new users to the system. You can add new users to the system from the homepage begin by clicking the 'user admin' button in the...