Look at those seals! Make zoom! Look, they are jumping there! Noo...there are walruses! No, look how they are swimming! No, there are trouts! It's the whole herd! They are dappled... the whole...
CHAPTER VII. GOOD-BY "OH, dear! Must you really go home Saturday?" said Fan, some days after what Tom called the "grand scrimmage." "I really must; for I...



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A Holiday In Bed and other sketches by J. M. Barrie Now is the time for a real holiday. Take it in bed, if you are wise. People have tried a holiday in bed before now, and found it a failure, but that...
Peter Pan by J. M. Barrie Chapter 1 PETER BREAKS THROUGH All children, except one, grow up. They soon know that they will grow up, and the way Wendy knew was this. One day when she was two years old...
Chapter 9 THE NEVER BIRD The last sound Peter heard before he was quite alone were the mermaids retiring one by one to their bedchambers under the sea. He was too far away to hear their doors shut;...
NARRATOR: Some say that when we grow up, we become different people at different ages. But I don't believe that. I think we remain the same. I can't imagine what could possibly change...
Hello, everyone, I'm Jessie Quinn from cupofbooks and this is a book haul. I'm organizing this book haul into where I bought the books and not when I bought the books, because for some...
The Vortex Blaster by E. E. Smith Safety devices that do not protect. The "unsinkable" ships that, before the days of Bergenholm and of atomic and cosmic energy, sank into the waters...