Nikolai Tesla was a man with big ideas; he has over 300 patents to his name. The problem was that Tesla was way ahead of his time and a lot of his more elaborate ideas theoretically worked, but never...
10) The Telephone Alexander Graham Bell is largely credited for inventing the telephone, after he secured the patent in 1876. But in 2002 the US Congress declared that the real inventor was actually...
You can thank these five women for making your life so easy. Next time you’re trying to stay awake in a meeting, remember Melitta Bentz — inventor of the coffee filter! Frustrated by heavy espresso...
>> (REPORTER): Time Warner Cable was proud to sponsor the ninth-annual Imagine RIT festival. Our Jordan Mazza spoke to some students about how their inventions could change lives....
In 1881 the English inventor Samuel Rowbotham published a 430 page book titled Zetetic Astronomy: Earth Not a Globe. His writings led to the formation of the Flat Earth Society, a group which still...
Man sollte sich mit Leuten umgeben, von denen man überzeugt ist, dass sie einen besseren Job machen als man selbst. Das ist großartig, so strengt sich jeder mehr an. Wenn man diesen magischen Punkt...
[MUSIC PLAYING] PRESENTER: In the fall of 1915, during MIT's final year in Boston, a brash 25-year-old graduate student, Vannevar Bush, already the inventor of a new surveyor's tool,...
In this video we are going to cover the basics of counting in App Inventor. We have set up a button to trigger our event, and a simple label to show our counter. I already set up the basic blocks....
In this video we are going to cover a TSA randomizer app that is used by the TSA at airports. The app cost the TSA around $336,000 but they came out and said that it only cost about $46,000; so...