
From the old days of Ridge Racer to big series such as Forza, and Need for Speed, racing has always been a big part of gaming. Some feature combat, others test your reflexes, and some just want to...
Welcoming a new colleague is the first step towards integration, that's what gives a positive boost. This new colleague needs to feel expected. So you have to convince them that joining the...
Once upon a time, Nebuchadnezzar had a very unusual and important dream. However, when the king woke up, he forgot it ... So the terrible ruler gathered all wise men of Babylon, and ordered them to...
Nick: As an engineer, anything is possible. Engineers create, and they provide solutions to real-world problems. At QUT, your engineering degree is all about the real world. So now let’s hear what...
Coming up on today's show, we'll meet the developers at Lotus F1 team as they transform their current travel application from a static and standalone itinerary system optimized for...
Hi everyone, this presentation is a overview of the chapter that we wrote on moving from labor to talent. Welcome! My name is Dr. Laura Williamson. I am the director of the MBA program and the DBA...
Alldieweil treibt die um unsere Kulturreinheit Besorgten in der Politik ja nur eine Frage um: Was tun mit all den Terroristen vulgo Schutzsuchenden? Brauchen wir da nicht endlich ein...
Hi. My name is Brandi Kraft and I would like to present to you the 3 changes that implemented into my classroom from the professional development sessions that I attended. The 3 changes I implemented...
So my key research is on the role of religion in politics broadly speaking. And most of my fieldwork has been on Muslims. Not only Muslims in Europe, in the US, but also in Muslim-majority countries....
I think the biggest challenge really is to engage in the first place with the clients. We have a sister company who's a fairly large insurance broker, so we're in the fortunate...