Promeno 1 - Malnova Urbo Dum la unua promeno ni iom ekkonos la Malnovan Urbon de Krakovo. Ni komencas sur la placo de Johano Novak-Jezioranski, apud la ĉefa stacidomo de Krakovo, Kraków Główny....
This is the king of Spain, Juan Carlos the first. And this is her family. He is married to Queen Sofia. They are the King and Queen of Spain. The King and Queen have three children, Elena, Cristina...
The First Day Did you hear about Monica? She gained 15 pounds in only two weeks. She is really fat these days. Yeah. How disgusting. I saw her yesterday and she was ugly in her skirt. I hope that she...
Christmas Message of His Majesty King Good night I'm very proud and satisfied, me and Sof'ia's queen to speak with all you, in this very important dates I'm accompanied...