bjbjLULU Dr. Dzung Price: Hi, this is Dr. Dzung Price. Bojan Schianetz: Hi, this is Bojan Schianetz from Dr. Dzung Price: It's an awfully beautiful afternoon,...
An emperor invites you to his palace as his guest of honor. Before you stands on stage the royal composer and his orchestra ready to play your favorite music. As they begin to play you invite all...
Fast Weight loss if done properly, you can maintain very good help. You also have to consult with your doctor if you trying to lose weight fast as well. But from my experience, fast weight loss is a...
Hi, I'm Rebecca Lee, Advisor at the White House Initiative on Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders. The Affordable Care Act provides new options for affordable health coverage that covers a...
Hello. I'm Janice Baird from Good Health in a Nutshell. Hot Baths. My Mum used to love her hot baths. Every night she used to say "I'm just going to have me bath"...
Hello, I'm Norman Swan. Welcome to this program on oral health. We're coming to you across Australia through the Rural Health Education Foundation's satellite network. Tooth...
[Music plays] (Narrator) Omega 3 fatty acids are necessary for human health, playing an important role in heart and brain function, as well as child and infant development. The body can only make very...
Being healthy is important to me because I want longevity in life and I want quality of life, and being healthy and eating well will enable one to have those two as options for their lifetime. Part of...
Being healthy is important to me because I want to stay as independent as I can for as long as I can. It also means that I am able to do the things I want to do. The healthier we all are, the better...
My name's Roy. I served in the Marine Corps from '79 to '83, was in Beirut from '82 to '83. And I got out for about four months and really couldn't...