All scenes here were edited by bironic, making use of content produced by Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer, to whom all associated rights, other than fair uses, are reserved. ☃ Personal licenses for viewing...
[Section 8] [Less Comfortable] [Nate Hardison] [Harvard University] [This is CS50.] [CS50.TV] Welcome to our second to last section. In this week we're going to talk about PHP, and then next...



I'm no superstar I'm just like you are There's no spotlight shining on me I've reached the point of no return Still that bridge I won't burn I do this on my...
The correct answer is: The numeral "1"--the digit--appears. Let's go ahead and see this, for real. Okay. Here we are in our browser. We've got "the number...



Now what if I want to have-- you know--I want to have text up here--here in the Dropdown-- but I want to have a different parameter up here in the URL. You know--that's useful when you want to...



The answer is no. Let's look at our browser. When I click submit here, the URL updates just like it did before, with--this time the q parameter equals computer in our URL. Now, what's...



>> PROFESSOR SEAN STREET:I suppose the biggest enterprise we have been involved with over the last 10 years, is a tri-partied project to digitise early commercial radio. The problem was,...



Okay, so Homework 6 solution: I asked you to do a couple things. I asked you to add to the bottom of the blog page how long ago we ran the query-- and if we reload this page we can see this time...
Okay, Paul talked about validity in a previous video. Uh...induction asks the question, is an argument strong or weak? This is still a logical issue. It really doesn't have a lot to do with...

