Featured Image: M51 Narrator (Megan Watzke, CXC) Hubble's image of M51, also known as the Whirlpool Galaxy, shows the majestic spiral arms that are actually long lanes of stars and gas laced...
So next, I'm going to try a different technique. I'm going to use this art knife, and one thing to be sure of. Make sure it's screwed on really tight here. Depending on what...
Melanie left for a moment. EPISODE 4 Look how it's raining. Awful. I'm not gonna lie. After 20 years of being an only child, and 10 of having my own room, moving to a dorm is not that...
Hubble’s Wide Field Camera 3 has captured this image of a giant cloud of hydrogen gas illuminated by a bright young star. The image shows how violent the end stages of the star formation process can...
Space is a pretty violent place, full of characters like monster black holes, colliding galaxies and exploding stars However, sometimes these bullies are more elusive. Take this new Hubble image of...
Sagittarius A* in 60 Seconds Narrator (Megan Watzke, CXC): Astronomers have long known that the supermassive black hole at the center of our Milky Way galaxy is a particularly poor eater. The fuel for...
It's easy to import course content from MyCourses to Canvas. When you log into MyCourses, select a course from the course list. Then select 'File Manager' from the left-hand...
There is a psycho lady destroying the city. Rumors to be believe, that, she wants more hair. Thank you for watching, and now, back to your show. I have the gold! WAHAHAHAHA !! If you don't...



Even though the name is a little confusing, you probably already know that a light year is the distance that light travels in a full year. At speeds of almost 300,000 kilometers per second that gets...
People do a very good job at defining patterns in things, especially things that they're not familliar with. And today, since it's Valentines day, we're looking at astronomical...