Heart Failure

[music] To have a dream and to follow a dream takes courage. It takes courage to listen to your heart and trust what you hear. It takes courage to venture into the unknown, hoping for the best. Every...
(Sound of the door opening) Celia, my God! Where have you been? At the hospital. -My sister had a heart failure. -What? -My God! -Easy, she feels already better. But I I had to stay overnight with...
That's the conundrum of cartoon stripping, as opposed to political cartoons. When your anger is the driving force of your drawing hand, failure follows. The anger is OK, but it has to serve the...
I've had my share of struggle. I believe, never take success to your head or failure to your heart.



All covered in blood, heart is still beating fast, shivering from the arousal Take a step back to admire the work, laughing in hysterical madness The body's twitching still, recently deceased This...
failure she's a new found friend you let her sleep on the floor when you rise to check out well she follows to the door if you listen real close there's the audible sigh if you look real hard you...
A kiss for the miles to drive A prayer for when it rains One shot of perspective A couple more to kill the pain When all the best metaphors Are hitting too close to home When all the best metaphors...
Born with nothing And that was most of us Raised in unemployment lines Grew in domestic crimes Always against the odds One with the underdogs Stepped on since day one Taught to accept defeat...
When The Pick of Destiny was released, it was a bomb And all the critics said that the D was done The sun had set and the chapter had closed But one thing no one thought about was the D would rise...
So the walls are closing in to sufficate you Like you're trapped and flailing blindly in a garbage bag You're sinking in a tar pit like a saber tooth... You struggle but the blackness sticks to you...