çıkar beni çıkar çıkar bu mezardan çıkar beni senin dünyandan sensiz her şey daha güzel artık git yanımdan her gün beni öldüren çek zehrini kanımdan çek git artık yanımdan durma kanlı mezarda sensiz...



hostess brand are filing for chapter eleven bankruptcy at twenties can go extinct out everyone's freaking out about this but it's likely that at that company will be brought up by...
Was I bored? No, I wasn't fuckin' bored. I'm never bored. That's the trouble with everybody - you're all so bored. You've had nature explained to you...



Başkan Gitti... Evet, Korkak Çoktan Kaçtı... SSCB Yıkımın Eşiğinde, Yoldaş... İşte Bu Yüzden Acele Etmeliyiz... Efendim, Rica Ederim.. Lütfen.. Nedir Bu? Bir Çeşit Kaçış Yolu Mu? Hayır Efendim. 1 Yıl...



Gitmeden önce sadece markete alışveriş için uğrayalım mı? Önce babamı arayalım mı,olur mu? Bu şekilde daha rahat hisseder. Ama hala.. Ona İtalya'dan bahsettin mi? Bu konuda çok hızlısın....
You say you're an atheist. C: Yes C: Since I know myself I'm Atheist. since you know yourself? C: Yes, since I was born. This is a not new thing C: No No Or under the effect it is not...
There are many stories about Michael Sullivan. Some say he was a decent man. Some say there was no good in him at all. But I once spent six weeks on the road with him... ...in the winter of 1931. This...
In this episode: The element of surprise Stealth tech No i in the team The Flying Katyusha Welcome to Thunder Show How often do you play using AA vehicles? Occasionally? Well, then you must know that...
My sympathy, sir. How'd your interest get to be 10 times what you borrowed? Couldn't you call? Why'd you come to my house! Get out! Hon? Should I call the cops? Yeah. Sir,...