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22 years ago this December... ...just before Christmas... ...the first Shane Global school was opened in England. We celebrated that Christmas... ...and New Year... ...with our first group of...



Today, I would like to wish the Iranian people a happy Nowruz. On such an important occasion, we must reflect on the deep connection between Canada and the people of Iran. They are strong ties, and a...
ou happy day ou happy day uén dizis uósh uén dizis uósh uén dizis uósh uesh mai siz auai ou happy day ou happy day la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la ou happy day...



and ready 3 - 2 - 1 ACTION! my name is Eric Ryan I'm a co-founder of method and a person against dirty clean happy means taking something we all have to do every day in our domestic lives and...



It had boosted my grades from Ds to Cs, by the end of the semester I had a 4.0. The other things was paraphrasing or summarizing outside the margins of my books as I read I’ll be dead honest I would...



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Hello everyone welcome back to happy wheels doo daa doo daa Welcome back to happy wheels my 8th video! Daanadanaa dana dana DUN DUN DUN DUN DUN DUN! DANA DANA DANA DANA... and content in in they want...



Rain contributes his prized mike used for 11 years to charity.Hi, everyone. I'm part-way through the rehearsal. I want to say I'll contribute this mike, one of my prized possessions,...



lol guys it's target police and I am playing some happy ReadyNAS at yeah Park show you and this worst there and I worse like it now heading like nothing I just had banned the camps i cant only...

