Started while there was a camera shot showing on the AMX panel which means the camera had a chance to start up. 2 0:00:10.000,0 --> 0:00:15.000 Here I am, theoretically in video as well as...



Today we're going to demonstrate the photo wallet. And what you're going to need for that- that's the photo wallet, there you go. Alright. And the materials needed for that...
Let's put the finishing touches on the cover. So, after you've folded the sheets in be sure to make that little clip where that fold is again you know reinforce if that can still move....
So, you've made your journal, but you may not want to take this with you if you're traveling, or if you just want something to take along in your purse. It might be too bulky. This is...
Let's work on your cover art. After you've chosen out your design and you've cut everything out you want to now place that on the board. What's happening here is this...
Now we are going to put the book together. So, you have your two piles. You have got one of your paper. I do not need two of those so I am going to set that aside. I wanted this kind of rough edge...
Now we want to decide how big our book is going to be. So, what I have done, is I had a really nice picture of the ocean and I really liked the size. It was a magazine clipping that I got. So, I am...
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Sturdybelt and Holster Company. Today I'm going to be making a holster for a customer. This customer is interested in a holster for his 1911.Its a full size 5 inch 1911 something like this...
[music] [Announcer] Chicago is a city of green - a city that safeguards its precious environment. Welcome to "Chicago at Play." [music] [Announcer] What does used cooking oil have to...