What's done today is called a trophectoderm biopsy. You can think of that as a biopsy that's done on a blastysis (five-day embryo) - which looks like a little ball - inside that ball...
"My name is Xiao Liu and I'm working in Nakamura Lab at the University of Chicago and basically our lab is doing the researches related to cancer. I'm the senior research...
Subtitledtrailers.com I'm proud of you for going on this trip. You're gonna have so much fun! And remember, if something chases you... run. We have learned more in the past decade from...
Your brain determines your money. Seems an interesting concept. The subtitle is “Changing Your Money Karma.” Everyone wants to live a life of abundance, but ends up living a life of limitation and...
Colleagues, welcome to the Untenured Faculty Organization's Digital Resource Asset Management workshop: How to put together your digital personnel action file for submission this fall. I...
Subtitles: translate.drmorse@gmail.com Hello everyone! It is such a good time to spend with you. I've been so busy doing lots of things. I took a little vacation up to Disney World for a few...
Imagine something small enough to float on a particle of dust that holds the keys to understanding cancer, virology, and genetics. Luckily for us, such a thing exists in the form of trillions upon...
What's up, guys? Jeff Cavaliere, ATHLEANX.com. When it comes to the calves a lot of people would have you believe that you were either destined to be a calf, or a calf-not. I can tell you that...
Good afternoon everyone! This is Peter Cooper from the NCBI. We've got two webinars today. One is A Practical Guide to the NCBI Blast. You're seeing sort of a cover slide for that,...
what's going on gays if you watch my last video you already know that I'm starting to review shows that awesome in April it just made me super energized and super happy so that further...