#AboutSkins @aboutskins Tradução, sincronia e yadda yadda whiskas sachê: Jess Bem-vindos ao Behind The Scenes do DVD de Skins. Cale a boca! Vai calar a boca? Cale-se! Desculpe... Tivemos de tomar um...
Aldebaran Robotics apresenta NAO Next Gen Música Detecção e reconhecimento facial 2 câmeras até 1280x720 60 imagens/segundo para processamento de imagem Oi NAO Olá Paul, tudo bem? (2 alto-falantes)...
[clock ticking] [♪bass guitar playing♪] This is a 60-second Army Now from Soldiers Radio and Television. I'm Sergeant Ashleigh Torres. General David Petraeus visits Afghanistan. Petty Officer...



General Petraeus, are we winning the war? Are we being successful? I've been one who's often been uncomfortable with terms like winning and losing. I mean, what we're trying to...



Hey everyone! KB here, and this is part 3 of my Nottingham Forest career mode. So in the last match we wound up our preseason by finally getting a goal and a win against FC Utrecht. I was happy with...



[♪upbeat music♪] This is A Closer Look--Forty Years of Service From Atlanta, I'm Gail McCabe. You've been a soldier for 40 years. Why? I've had a passion for soldiers and...



Hi, I’m Lew from Rackspace. I support open clouds for a couple of reasons. One is open source projects drive a lot more innovation; you have a lot more people working on projects, which creates a lot...
Hello, I’m Major General Tony Crutchfield. A lot of people live work and play at Fort Rucker. It’s our Army home. A lot of us show up for work at about the same time each weekday and that causes...



The Army as an institution and as the birthday comes up, it really tells you how we take seriously our responsibility to support and defend the Constitution, how America generates its most precious...
[♪upbeat music♪] This is A Closer Look. Gail McCabe talks with General Petraeus about commitment and winning hearts and minds in Afghanistan. Sir, I've been told that the real strategy here...