Erik: What is getting easier and what is getting harder in your life? Randall: The easier is the networking in this great city of Austin. There's so many people that are either coming through...
View from Youth Hostel room by TravelPod member cft89 Out of order... by TravelPod member cft89 Knackered by TravelPod member cft89 For Emily Bean by TravelPod member cft89 Market by TravelPod member...
Erik: How has learning to play pétanque given you a new way to learn from others? Matt: Boy, it has been incredible. You know, somebody gave me a cheap pétanque set and pétanque is like French bocce....



HARPER: There were three lovely lassies from Lisbon, Lisbon Oh, Lisbon There were three lovely lassies from Lisbon - What? Harper? - But Maggie was the belle... Easy. Maggie the maggot's done...
Erik Michielsen: How are your personal priorities changing as you get older? Courtney Spence: I just realized, literally in the last 2 weeks, I never really prioritized having a life outside of...
Erik Michielsen: What have your friends taught you about what makes a marriage work? Audrey Parker: Well, one of my closest friends has been married for 10 years, and I was the maid of honor at her...
Erik Michielsen: At this moment in your life, where are you seeking advice and coaching? Audrey Parker: Seeking advice and coaching has actually been a predominant theme in my life over the last 5 to...
Erik: Since we last spoke a year ago, what has been the most exciting thing that happened in your life? Audrey: The most exciting thing that has happened in my life is realizing that I could decide...



Highlights of the news today Wednesday 12th February 2014 Tipton rapist has jail sentence extended at Court of Appeal Britons 'Too Ignorant' For EU Referendum says Top European...