Welcome to Music Appreciation. This video is a tour and will help you to navigate some of the important features of the course. When you log in to Blackboard, you will see course announcements and a...
This brief presentation has been designed to help you understand what to expect as a student in an online or distance education course at Sacramento City College.Expect to learn the same material that...
on come hello a let me explain what I'm going to do in discourse which comes down to a lexicon or vocabulary above the political philosophy I would pick up the the notion for a sound that the...
>> I'm John Bourne, I think. That's who I am, not sure after this meeting. The core competency, I'm stepping out of my role as a Sloan seat person but as a...
Show potential employers that you possess a valuable set of skills. A certificate is awarded when a student completes a core set of classes in a designated area of study. Sierra College recognizes...
What Beth's research really shows is that our—not just what we see and what we hear—but our memories can actually be distorted. They're plastic and malleable. There's...
All right. My name's Chris Badgett and in this video we're going to talk about how to make a good introductory video for your online course. And the best way to do that is look at...
Welcome to the course Control of Mobile Robots. My name is Magnus Egerstedt, and I'm a professor at Georgia Tech in the school of Electrical and Computer Engineering. And I am delighted to be...
Okay. So, so far in the course, we have mainly chit-chatted about things. We've seen some models and we have now a model of a, a cruise controller or at least how the controller input affects...
So, last time we saw that the PI regulator, or its slightly more elaborate brother, the PID regulator, was enough to make the cruise controller do what it should do. Which is, achieve stability,...