(grunts) We've been walking for hours! I need to do that thing, you know, where you don't move for a long time? Alright, we should probably set up for the night anyway, it's...
Pub néerlandaise de 1999 pour les Pages Jaunes Pas de la bonne pub pour les aquariums.. Bonjour, çà dit que vous vendez du double vitrage Vous avez une pièce en stock, genre 4 mètres sur 8 ?...
How do I build a house? You need to get building materials Hey what happened to your voice? Voice? Oh I’m just a voice inside your head I can change when ever I want You’re not in my head! Oh really?...
So, here's what you need to know Jason was bored one day so he decided to down a whole load of red bull and watch youtube You may not know this but red bull has pretty bad effects on egg...
Step 1: Try to look at your Brain Yeah, you so tried that. Step 2: Pretend you have superpowers. I have superpowers! I'm controlling you with my mind! Walk over here! What you doing? That...
Hello, I’m a Mac and I’m Jason No No No, you’re a PC I am?? ...what’s a PC? You know, the thing with the tower and keys and stuff ooooohhhh Hello, I’m a Ma- what the hell is that? It’s a tower of...