a nineteen-year-old mom went to walmart shoplifted two fifty seven dollars worth of clothes from walmart she was with her sister and agee uh... people caught her so they've followed her...
now this is a video that was takin without uh... val the main characters ac consent to hand the main characters actual person and on the season's healthcare companies have to pronounce it she...
tinnitus hounds is another racist individual who decided to read about obama's reelection on her face book page and that she sign something that batter into a little bit of trouble...
Bonjour, je m'appelle Stoya Aujourd'hui je vais vous lire un extrait de "Degrés de nécrophilie" de Supervert Nous étions à une soirée ensemble En l'honneur...
dot since then is a woman that we did a story about a couple months ago and she is a six hundred pound woman who would actually profits significantly from allowing other people for watcher eat online...
let sts continuing on with our theme about the realization on the right of what has happened in this country last night before the results came in even though it was clear what was going to happen...
voici un dobbs vraiment bizarres ange histoire et sa nièce Dobbs fait poursuivre texas soldats pour une fouille faite en public cette vidéo de ce qu'il a été censuré alors ne vous inquiétez...
nous couvrons quelque chose de vraiment louche se passe dans les collèges et les universités à travers le le pays, mais nous ne voulons pas laisser de remuer ciel et terre pour trouver chigney...
thirty one-year-old woman in ireland uh... died after she had a miscarriage and doctors refuse to terminate the pregnancy uh... when she was about seventeen weeks pregnant she went into the hospital...
calvin edward butler has been arrested yet again because of his legal but injection business that he's been running illegally drugs that are supposed to do that he doesn't have any...