The simpleshow explains „Fab&Vivien around the world“. This is Fab&Vivien. They both are happy at their jobs, they have friends, food and a roof, therefore, they live a comfortable...
Hi there and welcome to the first episode of Fab&Vivien around the world. I am Fab and this is ehh Vivien. Hi I am Vivien! We just started our world trip, which includes a series of crazy...
Previously on Fab&Vivien around the world We just started our world trip, which includes a series of crazy bets! This is their mission: visiting small grassroots projects and raising money for...



Zuvor bei Fab&Vivien around the world... Wir haben nun unsere Weltreise gestartet und auf dieser werden wir eine Reihe von verrückten Wetten erfüllen. Das ist ihre Mission: Sie besuchen...
¡Salut! Estimados seguidores de "Fab&Vivien dan la vuelta al mundo". En este momento atravieso el momento mas intenso de mi viaje, de mi misión, ir desde Berlín, Alemania,...



Hey there and welcome to the 4th episode of Fab&Vivien around the world. After raising funds for the first project in Tangier and singing the first song, it was time to move on. I brought...