I am not in favour of the proposal of the Commission, or the ECB saying that these sanctions should be automatic in a way that the Council of Ministers should have no say at all. I dont agree the the...
Despite strong German opposition, the European Commission on Wednesday unveiled plans to set up a single body to deal with failing banks. Regarded as a pillar in Europe's so-called banking...
Európska dlhová kríza je späť, španielska vládna strana bola rozdrvená v lokálnych voľbách, Fitch znižuje rating Grécka a S&P hrozí znížením ratingu Talianska. Pozrime sa na situáciu odtiaľto...



Herr Doktor Gleisner, was spricht gegen ein Deflationsszenario wie in Japan? Also ganz grundsätzlich gehe ich davon aus, dass die Rahmenbedingungen in Europa nicht direkt vergleichbar sind mit dem...



Was kann man sich unter dem Szenario "Eurozone gleich Japan" vorstellen? Die Referenz, die historische Vergleichsbasis ist die gesamtwirtschaftliche Entwicklung wie wir sie in den...



Quali sono i principali vantaggi del sistema Euro? Ci sono da tenere in considerazione i costi di transazione perché, quando si investe denaro in altri paesi, ci sarebbero molte differenze tra i...



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VOICE-OVER: Wat is het belang van de euro voor Nederland? Het imago van de euro heeft flink te lijden onder de Europese schuldencrisis. Maar het is niet de crisis van de euro, het is de crisis van de...



To, čo FED spraví alebo nespraví budúci týždeň, neovplyvní iba dlhopisy ale QE spôsobuje rozruch aj na forexe. Kto by mohol o tom vedieť viac, ako človek, ktorý spravuje najväčší svetový hedžový...



From phones to cars - Japan plays a significant role in supplying crucial parts to manufacturers across the globe. As the country continues to deal with the nuclear crisis and the aftermath of its...