I'm joined today by phyllis schlafly she is an American constitutional lawyer a conservative activist and author and also founder above the eagle forum is schlafly a pleasure to have you as...
actually judges considering running for began symmetrical two years from now mishra carlos the leader of the republicans in the senate you think that he would miss it would be vulnerable but you would...
You've lost this heart While chasing after a mirage You've betrayed this heart And I can do nothing but hate you! Can you hear my pain? Your voice dies Oh, no And stupid as I am, I...



0:10 Presenta : Gleeks Stars 0:14 Siguenos en Facebook 0:25 tu no me conoces 0:26 tu no me conoces 0:27 tu no me conoces 0:28 tu no me conoces 0:32 Asi que calla chico 0:33 Asi que calla chico 0:34...



Sintiéndote expuesta... e invisible Sintiéndote expectante... e imperceptible Luces tan afectada, efímera Caminando como en un arcoíris Estas fingiendo Sintiéndote descubierta... e insensible...
what makes a lot of sense is this program expanding to five days a week and we have an IndieGoGo campaign right now that we are running it ends in February and we are asking for your support to expand...
NIGEL: Hello and welcome to a new Dota 2 Report I've got this Dust of Appearance here that I need to deliver to Enigma as quickly as I can, but I can't go any faster until he presses...
Eh, ¿por qué has decidido quedarte con... con Vinci Hair Clinic? Bueno, umm... cuando investigas... cuando empiezas a... tener este... este problema de imagen, y bueno pues yo empecé a buscar:...

