sets salam the solid supplies are welcome to the program osha gray davidson he is the author of clean break the story of germany's energy transformation and what americans can learn for from...
mit romney obviously a world of trouble over recalled election so i don't know why he can't continues to campaign uh... so i do reason i did is because he's down by about ten...
i volas uh ... realigis lia unua demando uzante citaĵo c skribi mails en lia libro potenco plumbo aŭ iuj aliaj libro li diris ke se vi se iu komencas paroli pri potenco de la uzo de povo vi aŭtomate...
that day in and has slammed or baba again okay he's been on the record the witness a couple times when other recently had an interview with elle magazine and he have the following to say he...
اے کنگنا e kangana O, bracelet دے دے ری چھیل میرو de de ri chail mero give back, O dandy lover اے کنگنا دے دے ری چھیل میرو e kangana de de ri chail mero O, give back my bracelet, dandy lover! اے...