some great businesses in Britain have had their gestation in 1 of our universities Where better to develop and refine an idea well next out to the lift is Cheshire based Tim Morgan whose inventions...
[blank] Dianne Buckner: Okay. So now in the book you go through your whole story of how you started your company and by the way, Kevin was a shuffle board shark in university. No. Not shark, a...
Hi! I'm Nathan. Not only do I work here at Holiday World & Splashin' Safari but I'm also the dad of two crazy little girls! As a parent, I am really excited about one...
♪ ♪ >> Dianne: Next in the Den: a pair of entrepreneurs who say they've brewed up the kind of business the Dragons could only dream of. >> Deland Jessop: Good day,...
Hi guys Gentalha games bringing another new gameplay dragon nest is difficult to find a booster I created a party with some guys to get sigh canyon is better to try a party to level up instead of...
Helllo. I'm Deborah Meaden. I'm an investor, entrepreneur and dragon from Dragons' Den. I've been honoured to be invited here today to receive an Honorary Doctorate...



Oh it's been splendid. Absolutely amazing. I just sat there and every single organisation that was mentioned was I just wanted to give the all a prize. I didn't want anyone not to get...
What causes painful leg cramps? Painful leg and muscle cramps most often occur due to an electrolyte deficiency, meaning that you may not be getting enough potassium, sodium, calcium, or magnesium....
[MUSIC] Today's events are all about bringing staff and students together. We're celebrating the way in which we are innovative and imaginative about learning and teaching and...
Commentary The Dragon's Den came to Leeds this week when Year 6 pupils from Allerton, Mill Field & Brodetsky Primary Schools visited Metro’s headquarters to pitch their ‘greener...

