Dinero en la política

joining me again is christopher patrolling is a columnist that nation of change also a p_h_d_ student at u_c_-berkeley african american studies of great to talk to you as always i wanna walk route...
couple weeks ago i announced on the show all of sudden i don't know where we were hoping to do something to happen in vermont messages which is by the way around the corner the interest of...
hobbling impose has a terrific ah... investigative story about how the democratic congressional campaign committee uh... tells the new uh... arrivals in congress how they have to center schedule now...
is a p_b_s_ frontline that there'd called climate of doubt uh... it was my climate change and how they got people that down inside are very good uh... and watch it but from uh... other people...
selecting nineteen eighty five yes he suggested there's a lot of del money in republican political donations for what about the lessons they learned in this twenty twelve election most of them...
we know will be doing and matching donation fund for wolf back here at the on trips know was that first of all for those of you aren't familiar wolf bag is assumed by the we set up uh... to...
so as we get hit by with all these extreme weather events including senate uh... i remember a guy new is running for president doing this being named convention speech but the climate change is a good...
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