You can't see, hear or smell it but electromagnetic energy surrounds us. It can pass easily through the earth and space and through us, as though we aren't even there and without it,...
Good morning everybody. My name is Harinder Sidhu, I’m the First Assistant Secretary of the Multilateral Policy Division in the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade. I want to wish you all a very...
India is currently the second most populous nation on earth with 1.2 billion people - and the DIAC New Delhi post sits right in the middle of this, in New Delhi, which is a city of 20 million people,...
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>> Heading: Understand Insurance >> Shane: I’m Shane Tregillis, the Chief Ombudsman at the Financial Ombudsman Service. I strongly believe that improving the financial...



For Australia and the world, 2011 can be the Year of Trade. The coming year can be one during which the Doha round of multilateral trade negotiations can be brought to a successful conclusion. The...
Australia’s Ambassador for Women and Girls International Women’s Day Video Message Hi, I’m Natasha Stott Despoja. This is my first International Women’s Day as Australia’s Ambassador for Women and...
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Hi, I’m Rory from The Line. Today we are here at Big Day Out HQ and we are about to have an interview with Adam Zammit, so follow me. Hey Adam, Rory from The Line, how are you? Hey Rory good to see...