Step one: I could be your man You can call me daddy when we're f*cking in the sand Step two: let's go for a ride Better hold still, I'm driving Step three: I'll be in...



I wanna see I'm sure you will like it Why are you making a movie? Because I want you see it And why are you filming us Because you will love it, momozão... And are you expecting I cry? I...
Valentine's Day. Well, Valentine's Day, I don’t know yet, but ... It is the first Valentine's Day we will spend together. We celebrate two years together on...
2 anos de namoro de Liu & Aline ao som da música "In my life" dos Beatles There are places I remember all my life Though some have changed Some forever, not for better Some...
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ID3 vTIT2 TPE1 TALB Digitaldripped.comTCON OtherTCOM Digitaldripped.comTRCK 0TYER 2009TBPM 210COMM eng TENC @ LAME in FL Studio 7 ÿú lã> ð i ¤ 4€...
Well, today is June, 12th 2013 Valentine's Day in Brazil. I'm here at the amazing Grand Place, in Brussels To prepare my Valentine's Day homage to you, Thamires, Honeymoon! I...



A reconciliation request Well, it's January 29th, Natasha's (my ex-girlfriend) birthday I tried to prepare a reconciliation request The people here, my friends, all they have helped me...