the pope is warning argentinian Pope Francis I like that like saying that was even though I'm not Catholic argentinian Pope Francis is warning that if the church does not find a new balance on...
Hey now! Repay the blood! Now kiss me! Switch! Destroy my inn! Nervy! Nah! That will pay for my tables. - And the stew! - And some information... [Josmael] You know, we didn't have to leave so...
Come gli altri, il prossimo ospite è un artista a tutto tondo. Attore, comico, sceneggiatore premiato con un Emmy, regista. Si è classificato numero 98 nella lista dei 100 migliori comici di tutti i...
Welcome to the AC News! Let’s see the trailer of the movie: Priest. See you later with the news of today. Set in a world destroyed by wars between men and vampires, the film tells the story of a...



Hi! First I'd like to reassure those of you that were worried by my absence. How come I have uploaded nothing since September? I'm alive and well. So far. I've been in some...
mimetypeapplication/vnd.oasis.opendocument.textPK Configurations2/statusbar/PK Configurations2/accelerator/current.xml Configurations2/floater/PK Configurations2/popupmenu/PK...



I'm tired of hearing ugly church music. I would like a better liturgy deeper and more spiritual Yes, and I can't stand the microphone- singers they exibit and people on the pew...
After seeing that the holy trinity is made up of people that the Revelation apostrophes in the worst way, is natural to ask why the Church has come to such a falsification of the truth So it is easy...

